Get an exact Estimate for a Ductless Mini Split System

At Richair Comfort we prioritize accuracy and transparency when providing quotes for our ductless mini-split installations. That's why we insist on scheduling a walk-through of your apartment or home to provide an exact estimate. Unlike others, we don’t suggest rough estimates over the phone or through our website, because every home is unique and deserves a tailored approach. Remember, when we say "exact estimate," it means we schedule a personalized walk-through to ensure the most accurate and fair pricing for your specific needs.

Get Your Exact Estimate

You'll receive an exact estimate that considers all aspects of your installation

Schedule online and get an additional $200 OFF new system!

Here’s why a walk-through is essential:

Tailored Solutions

Our Product Specialist will assess the layout, insulation, and specific needs of your space, and will recommend the best ductless mini-split system

Accurate Pricing

By carefully inspecting your home or office, we can provide detailed and exact estimate without any hidden charges, or last-minute surprises

Understanding Your Needs

A walk-through allows us to discuss your cooling and heating preferences, understand your budget, and answer any questions you may have

Building Trust

We believe in establishing a solid foundation of trust with our customers, which embodies our commitment to customer satisfaction

Tailored Solutions

Our expert technicians assess the layout, insulation, and specific needs of your space to recommend the perfect ductless mini-split system for you.

Accurate Pricing

By visually inspecting your space, we can provide a precise quote without any hidden charges or last-minute surprises.

Understanding Your Needs

A walk-through allows us to discuss your cooling and heating preferences, understand your budget, and answer any questions you may have.

Building Trust

We believe in establishing a solid foundation of trust with our customers from the very beginning. Our in-person visit embodies our commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction.







What our customer say:

Ready to take the next step?

Ready to take the next step?

Schedule your no-obligation walk-through today for an exact estimate, and move closer to a comfortable, energy-efficient home

Schedule online and get an additional $200 OFF new system!