Tips on Solving Clicking & Squeaking in Your Ductless Mini Split (Before You Call Us)

Love the quiet your mini split gives you, right? But when it starts making those unexpected clicking or squeaking noises, it's anything but relaxing. Good news is, often it's something small you can fix yourself without having to pay for a pro. Here's what to do: First, figure out where the noise is coming from. Clicking could mean something's up with the electrical parts, while squeaking might be the fan or other moving parts. Before you start worrying, do a quick check. Make sure everything's tight and in place, the unit's mounted correctly, and there's nothing blocking it, making it work too hard. These simple checks can often fix the issue right away, saving you both time and money.

Tips on Solving Clicking & Squeaking in Your Ductless Mini Split

Tips on Solving Clicking & Squeaking in Your Ductless Mini Split

First things first, safety matters! Before diving in, make sure your mini-split is powered off at the breaker to avoid electrical shock or fan injuries.

Remember: We're always here to help if these tips don't solve the issue, but sometimes a quick DIY fix can save you time and money.


First things first, safety matters! Before diving in, make sure your mini-split is powered off at the breaker to avoid electrical shock or fan injuries.


Now, Let's Break It Down:

1. Figure Out the Noise: Listen close. Is that clicking or squeaking coming from inside or the condenser outside? Pinpointing this helps us know where to start.


2. Check the Filters: Dirty filters could be stressing your system. Swap them out or give them a clean, should be done monthly anyways.


3. Tighten Everything Up: Look for any loose screws on both units. Tightening these can cut down on those annoying sounds.


4. Clear the Area: Outside unit choked up with leaves or debris? Clear it out to let your system breathe easier.


5. Indoor Obstacles: Make sure nothing's vibrating against your indoor unit. A quick rearrange or cleanup might be all you need.


6. Note the Timing: When does the noise happen? Startup, shutdown, heating, or cooling? This clue can pinpoint the issue.


If you've tried these tips and the noise persists, don't hesitate to contact us!

We have the expertise to diagnose and fix more complex issues, ensuring your mini-split returns to its quiet, efficient operation.


Bonus Tip: Regular maintenance is key to preventing noise and other issues. Schedule professional tune-ups twice a year (spring and fall) to keep your mini-split in tip-top shape.


Remember, we're here to help! By trying these simple solutions first, you might save yourself a service call and enjoy the quiet comfort of your mini-split even sooner.



Mitsubishi award-winning Diamond Contractor

Serving New York and New Jersey

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